Post-editing di traduzione automatica

Migliora le traduzioni automatiche per risultati della stessa qualità di una traduzione umana.

Ordina MTPE Vedi i prezzi

Che cos'è il MTPE?

La traduzione automatica con post-editing (Machine Translation Post-Editing, o MTPE) affianca alla traduzione automatica la revisione da parte di un professionista umano per offrire una traduzione accurata di contenuti multilingue. Questo connubio tra l'efficienza della tecnologia e le competenze linguistiche umane si traduce per le imprese in tempi di consegna rapidi, un'ampia copertura di lingue, il taglio dei costi e diversi livelli di revisione per garantire una qualità finale all'altezza dei loro obiettivi.

Richiedi un preventivo per il tuo progetto

Sono diversi anni che lavoro con Alconost. La loro professionalità e la loro attenzione al dettaglio mi hanno colpito positivamente fin da subito. Hanno sempre consegnato traduzioni di elevata qualità, precise e pertinenti alla cultura di destinazione. Raccomando caldamente i loro servizi a chi è in cerca di un partner affidabile per la localizzazione."

Radinka Danilov Sehovic

Esperta di marketing e comunicazione

Case study

Abbiamo localizzato oltre 1500 progetti e prodotto oltre 1000 video. Faremo qualcosa di speciale anche per te!

  • Servizi: Traduzione automatica con post-editing
  • Sviluppatore/Editore: AVILOO GmbH
  • Lingue: DE → DA, NL, FR, IT, SV, NO
  • Dimensioni: 5.000 parole
Scopri di più


Faster than translation from scratch by linguists.

Up to 50% more cost efficient than traditional localization.

The translation quality is fit-for-purpose and can be at the level of native speakers.


Raw MT



per 1000 chars/language

check-icon-greenA GenAI or NMT (Neural Machine Translation) engine that fits your project

check-icon-greenDedicated project manager

Light Post-Editing



per 1000 chars/language

check-icon-greenA GenAI or NMT (Neural Machine Translation) engine that fits your project

check-icon-greenDedicated project manager

check-icon-greenEssential editing made by professional linguists to spot inaccuracies

Full Post-Editing



per 1000 chars/language

check-icon-greenA GenAI or NMT (Neural Machine Translation) engine that fits your project

check-icon-greenDedicated project manager

check-icon-greenEssential editing made by professional linguists to spot inaccuracies

check-icon-greenMeticulous editing made by professional linguists to ensure high-quality, fluent, and contextually correct content.

check-icon-greenAccess to the Localization Management Platform

check-icon-greenEngine evaluation

Custom Scenario

Let's discuss

Everything in Full Post-Editing, plus:

check-icon-greenPersonalized service for custom needs, such as engine training, terminology management, and meeting other specific requirements.

For Raw MT and Light MTPE packages, engine evaluation is available as an additional service.

Pacchetti servizi MTPE

Raw Machine Translation

Receive immediate raw translation output produced solely by advanced machine translation engines, without any human intervention. Benefit from a Managed Service, supported by a dedicated project manager who ensures that your localization process runs smoothly from start to finish.

It’s best for large-scale projects demanding fast and efficient translation, such as:

  1. Product descriptions (e-commerce)
  2. News articles
  3. Corporate blogs
  4. Internal documentation
  5. Support content
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Light Post-Editing

Build on the advantages of RAW MT with essentials-only editing by professional linguists to render the translated content comprehensible, addressing any inaccuracies that could misconstrue meaning or trigger confusion.

For non business-critical content, including:

  1. Blog posts/SEO content
  2. Software development and API documentation
  3. User-generated content
  4. Documentation
  5. E-commerce descriptions
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Full Post-Editing

A comprehensive review and correction of machine-generated translations by professional native linguists. The objective is to produce a final product that is the same quality as a human translation, with proper attention to style, tone, and context or culture-specific nuances.

Track process and progress to ensure high-quality, fluent, and contextually correct content with access to our Localization Management Platform.

For high-volume urgent tasks and mission-critical content, such as:

  1. Legal documents
  2. Game descriptions
  3. Finance documents
  4. Educational textbooks and complex academic articles
  5. Online course descriptions
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Custom scenario

Request a unique solution for your specific project needs, integrating advanced MT with customized workflows and human expertise.

We will tailor your translation service to match the nuances of your content.Pricing depends on your particular needs.

This is a comprehensive package for solutions like:

  1. Content profiling
  2. Style guides
  3. Engine training
  4. Terminology management
  5. Quality checks
  6. Meeting specific requirements
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MTPE vs Traditional Translation

When deciding between Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) and traditional human translation, several factors come into play. MTPE offers notable advantages over traditional methods:

Speed and Efficiency:

MTPE accelerates the translation process by quickly processing large volumes of text through a trained engine, followed by human revisions and refinement.


With less intensive human input when compared to traditional translation, MTPE often leads to lower costs while leveraging advanced machine translation technology.


MTPE scales well for high-volume multilingual projects, quickly providing base translations across various languages for subsequent post-editing.


Machine translation maintains consistency in terminology and style, which is particularly beneficial for large volumes of text, such as in traditional localization. Human editors then refine it to match specific guidelines.

Choose MTPE for projects prioritizing speed, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Quality is guaranteed by the post-editing process, in which human linguists review content to make sure the quality meets expectations. Traditional translation remains ideal for projects that focus on detailed, high-quality content, demanding deep cultural understanding, like creative and marketing materials and sensitive or confidential documents that require human accuracy and security.


Come funziona il MTPE?

Come scelgo il pacchetto MTPE giusto?

Che cos'è la valutazione del motore di traduzione automatica?

Il MTPE è più conveniente dei servizi di traduzione tradizionali?

Che differenza c'è tra l'IA generativa e la traduzione automatica neurale (NMT)?

Chi sono i vostri traduttori e come li selezionate?

Con quali TMS (sistemi o piattaforme per la gestione della traduzione) lavorate?

Con quali formati di file lavorate?

In che lingue traducete?