At Alconost, all translations are carried out by professional linguists who are native speakers of your target language.
We have a pool of over 800 carefully selected native-speaking linguists, each with specialized industry knowledge. Every translator in our database undergoes rigorous preliminary testing, including portfolio review, and a translation test. Around 2.5% of applicants pass the selection process and proceed to work at Alconost.
For each project, we handpick translators with specialization in the required domain. Our localization managers consider the training and professional background of translators to ensure the best match between project needs and the translator's qualifications. This approach enables Alconost to deliver accurate translations across a spectrum of projects, from promotional websites, travel landing pages, and online stores to corporate websites for multinational companies.
We typically assign one or more translators to your project, maintaining a consistent working relationship with them. This is beneficial if you have large projects with periodic updates, or if you simply prefer a specific translator's style. In the rare event of a translator change, we provide the glossary and translation memory to the new translator, ensuring consistency in terminology and style for future updates.
Our translators are well-versed in various design languages, technologies, and platforms. Whether it's translating a mobile app, a Wix or WordPress site or providing continuous website content translation for Magento, Shopify, Salesforce, and other eCommerce projects, translators on your project will be familiar with the platform requirements.
Learn more about our internal approach to achieving class-leading translation quality here.