
Full-Stack Localization Company:

Your A+ localization team and technology

Lack capacity to scale your localization?

Get a localization workflow that fits your changing needs at every moment!

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Choose your localization solution:


We jump into your process

Keep using the localization management platform you are used to.

We’ll add our linguists, managers, and technologies to your environment, fine-tune your project legacy and suggest improvements to boost speed and quality.

It’s the same process you know, just smoother and without bottlenecks!



We build a process for you

Our team will help you migrate your content, assets, and languages to the new environment.

From there, you can easily scale the translation content volume and add dozens of new languages at once.

Here, your in-house reviewers or freelancers can work with our localization team under one roof!

We find the perfect balance with handling your localization legacy and implementing best practices!

Localization for businesses that have grown big


How Alconost streamlines your company’s localization process


Managing multi-language localization on your own is like:


Managing multi-language localization with Alconost is like:

VolumeBigger volumes bring a bigger pressureScalable team and tech solution ready for any scope
DeadlinesYou struggle to meet deadlinesDeadlines are met with minimal effort from you, no matter time zone
QualitySometimes you worry about translation qualityTranslation quality is measurable and is always above 97%
Tech expertiseToo much manual work Custom connectors development for everything, incl. legacy CMS
Assets managementImproving glossaries and translation memory is exhaustingFast, consistent localization due to constant glossary and TM maintenance
GrowthYour localization workflows cannot handle growth70+New languages and higher wordcounts are added quickly
AIIt’s too risky to try AI and MT enginesA reliable partner is responsible for the AI/MT solutions’ testing & implementation

You’re one click from scalable localization!


IT companies trust Alconost with their global scale. Here’s why:


A product manager at Airalo gets more than expected:

"Initially we found Alconost as an agency that works with the platform we’re interested in.

In the end, they proved to be not just a vendor to buy translations from but a reliable partner for our translation process."


Bartuğ Yıldırım

Principal Product Manager at Airalo


A marketing expert at Aviloo loves our excellence in customer service:

"I’m happy with the job Alconost has done so far. I would rate them Excellent for both translation and customer service quality.

With Alconost, I can rest assured that our localization flow is in the hands of responsible and attentive professionals."


Radinka Danilov Sehovic

Marketing Expert at AVILOO Battery Diagnostics


A localization project manager at Vizor values our consistent quality:

"We have external assessments performed, including by the App Store and Google Play, and they give us high marks for localization quality.

We also order occasional LQA from other agencies, and they rate Alconost's work very highly.

Basically, in all the years Vizor and Alconost have been working together, we've never had quality problems. I feel confident they'll never let us down."


Vitalia Fokina

Localization Project Manager at Vizor


A technical writer at Sufio appreciates our translators’ involvement:

"The communication with Alconost has always been smooth, the delivery is speedy, and the results are flawless and consistent.

When the translators notice something janky in the original text, they get back to us and ask us to double-check it.

I like that Alconost's translators think about what they're translating. They don't just blindly process what we give them."


Michael Kasarda

Technical Writer at Sufio

Connect with a team that helps you scale


4 benefits of working with Alconost localization company


Full-Stack Team

Extend your existing team with our project managers, linguists, proofreaders, language leads, LQA managers, and localization engineers.


All Content Covered

UI strings, terms & conditions, support articles, leaflets, blog posts, taglines, you name it! We localize it all, in any format.


Paperwork Done Right

We’ll sign an NDA promptly, and provide clear, accurate quotes and documentation in line with your standards.


Vendor Flexibility

Our recommended localization platform allows you to work with multiple vendors for ultimate flexibility—or we can use yours.

Scalable localization for future industry leaders


How to leverage a full-stack localization team

Scalable processes form the foundation and bulk of the structure. But what’s inside? People, of course! Look whose expertise you’ll benefit from when entrusting your localization program to Alconost.

Basic minimum: manager & translators


By default, your project is always equipped with a localization manager and in-country translators.

You can expand the team at any time!

Strengthen your team!

Since 2004, we've localized over 1,000 projects, including games with millions of installs, and have ISO certifications


Add proofreaders to ensure the quality and consistency of the localized content.


Add language leads, or senior linguists, to coordinate the work of several linguists within the same language pair.


Add an LQA manager to implement and maintain the Localization Quality Assurance process.


Add an internal QA manager for TQI (Translation Quality Indexing), xBench and spot-checks.


Add a specific tasks manager to design glossaries and style guides and handle non-standard tasks.


Add a localization engineer to develop and implement custom integrations.


Add as much acceleration as required at your project’s current lifecycle stage!

Powering the growth of leading-edge businesses


Localize at the highest level of quality


ISO 9001-2015

Translation Services – Requirements for Quality Management System


ISO 17100

Translation Services – Requirements for Quality Management System


ISO 18587:2017

Translation Services – Requirements for Post-Editing of Machine Translation Output

Tailored localization: For beginners and pros

Select your level of localization maturity and learn how you’ll benefit from localizing with Alconost!

초급 🧑‍🎓

중급 🌳

전문가 ❤️‍🔥


도움이 되는 동반자

현지화에 대해 쉽게 설명해 드립니다. 전담 매니저가 현지화의 세계로 안내합니다.


제어 하에 이루어지는 프로세스

고객의 업무 부담을 최소화하는 입증된 방식을 활용해 언어를 추가하고, 번역사 풀을 늘리고, 프로젝트를 정리합니다.


고객의 요구 완벽 충족

필요할 때마다 감수, 품질 보증, 맞춤 작업을 추가하세요.

A full-stack localization team to support your growth


We fit your procurement routine

Not a fan of paperwork and bureaucracy? We’ve got you covered! Connect us with your procurement team, and we’ll handle everything!

  • NDAs, project budgeting, purchase orders
  • Provision of documents in compliance with your company standards
  • Monthly or custom payment schedules
  • Various payment methods: Wire transfer, card, crypto currencies, and PayPal

Wire transfer

You can use this option when paying in USD, EUR, and JPY.



Pay with credit or debit card via 2checkout, Paypro, or Stripe.


Crypto currencies

We accept USDT or USDC tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

We give our clients confidence. Here’s how


최고의 관리

세세한 부분까지 직접 관리하실 필요가 없습니다. 모든 것이 원활하게 진행되도록, 현지화에 대한 모든 책임을 저희에게 맡겨주세요.


맞춤형 접근 방식

고객이 필요로 하는 부분에 따라 접근 방식을 결정합니다. 모호하게 가정하는 것이 아니라, 공감을 바탕으로 한 정밀한 맞춤형 솔루션만을 제공합니다.


자유로운 확장성

프로젝트의 규모, 범위, 기한에 상관없이, 언제나 제시각에 최고의 품질로만 결과를 제공해 드립니다. 제한 없이 확장하세요!


어떤 언어든 높은 품질 보장

엄격한 채용 및 성과 모니터링 덕분에 모든 언어 쌍에서 일관적인 고품질 번역을 만나보실 수 있습니다.


지속적 현지화

지역에 따른 지연이 없습니다. 현지화 프로세스가 고객의 워크플로에 맞게 조정되어 제품 개발 일정에 원활하게 통합됩니다.


현지화 엔지니어링

전문가로 이루어진 팀이 제공하는 맞춤형 기술 솔루션을 통해 수동으로 해야 하는 작업을 줄이고, 기술적 자문 지원을 받아보세요.


국내 링귀스트

문화적인 부분까지 적절하게 반영한 번역을 활용하세요. 해당 언어의 전문가가 원문에서 전하려는 메시지를 각 시장에 완벽하게 들어맞도록 번역합니다.



현지화 품질 보증을 통해 UX를 모든 언어로 다듬고, 상황에 맞게 조정하기 위한 전문가의 조언을 받아보세요.


빠르고, 뛰어난 가치를 제공하는 옵션

중요성이 보다 낮은 콘텐츠에 대해서는 AI로 구동되는 기계 번역 포스트에디팅을 통해 최대 40% 저렴한 가격으로 빠르게 번역하세요.


원스톱 현지화 서비스

현지화와 관련한 모든 사항을 한 곳에서 처리하세요. 문서 번역부터 동영상 현지화까지, 저희가 지원해 드립니다.



기술 솔루션부터 업계 트렌드까지, 현지화의 모든 측면을 안내해 드립니다.


투명한 프로세스

고객이 모르는 상태에서 진행되는 일은 없습니다. 열린 커뮤니케이션을 통해 진행 상황을 완벽하게 파악하세요. 문제가 발생하는 경우 이를 명확하게 확인하실 수 있으며 즉각적인 업데이트를 보장합니다.


업계별 번역사

해당 분야의 용어를 잘 알고 있는 링귀스트가 정확한 산업별 번역을 제공합니다.


개인정보 보호

기밀 정보는 엄중하게 보호됩니다. 번역사는 NDA에 서명하며, 프로젝트의 어느 단계에서든 고객과 NDA를 체결할 수 있습니다.


혁신적인 결제 방식

원하는 방식으로 결제하세요. 이체, PayPal과 같은 기존 방식은 물론 암호 화폐 결제(USDT 및 USDC)도 지원합니다.


언어 자산

용어집, 스타일 가이드, 지침을 제작하고 업데이트하며 용어와 스타일의 일관성을 유지합니다.


Let us be your global growth copilot!



What do you offer?

We offer you a scalable localization solution. You can either integrate us into your current localization platform (like Crowdin, Smartcat, etc.), or we can build a scalable localization process for you on the Crowdin platform.

In the first option, our team of linguists and project managers will join your localization project. We'll handle the translations, fine-tune your existing setup, and, if needed, develop custom engineering solutions to streamline the process.

In the second option, we’ll set up a new environment for you and help migrate all your current data. You can also invite your in-house linguists or freelancers to join the new platform, and we’ll work together under one roof.

What option do you choose? Please fill out this form to let us know!

How is your offer different from others on the market?

We don’t just provide localization services—we become your localization ally.

Along with ensuring high-quality translations and meeting deadlines, we improve glossaries, clean up translation memories, and make technical adjustments to make your localization workflow more efficient.

With us, you’re not just hiring a service provider—you’re gaining a trusted partner to help you expand into new markets.

Want to know more? Let’s talk! Please fill out this form to book a free call with us.

Why should I choose you?

We understand that "going global" is not the ultimate goal—it’s the outcome of achieving real targets, like hitting measurable, profit-oriented KPIs.

With 20 years of experience in localizing tech products, we’ve seen it all. Working with demanding clients has sharpened our management skills, teaching us how to deliver quickly without ever compromising on quality. into multiple languages simultaneously. It is especially convenient for translating sales descriptions for stores, "What's new" texts, and updated strings into several languages at once.

Our cooperation with fast-growing companies taught us to stay agile and spot new localization opportunities. For example, we explore machine translation post-editing (MTPE) as a cost-saving option and help our clients leverage it while keeping quality intact.

By partnering with us, you gain a flexible localization solution that can scale up or down as your needs evolve.

Last but not least, we fit into your work streams and communication flows, making it easy for you to do your job at the highest standards while collaborating with a supportive, friendly and empathetic team here at Alconost.

If this description resonates with you, please let us know about you and your localization needs: fill out a pre-order form here.

Could you provide me with a formal quotation for the translation services I need?

Sure! Please attach the files you need to translate, specify the languages you need these files translated into, and describe all requirements you have, if any.

If you can’t provide files before we sign an NDA with you, please attach your NDA sample (or we can use ours).

Please use this form to provide us this information, or simply email it to us: alpha@alconost.com

I need to localize an app into specific languages. The translations will be for both text and audio files. What are the requirements of doing this?

Please specify the exact languages you need to translate your content into, and attach both text and audio files.

If you have your audio files transcribed (i.e. spoken text in the written form), please attach the transcripts too.

Please specify in what format you need the audio files translated: as a written text or as a recorded voice-over.

Please use this form to provide us this information, or simply email it to us: alpha@alconost.com

We're your ally for big wins!


의뢰하고 싶은 프로젝트가 있으신가요?

자세한 내용을 말씀해 주시면 솔루션과 견적 금액을 안내해 드리겠습니다.

양식 작성

전화 상담 예약
어떤 도움이 필요하신가요?*
40개국 언어로 앱을 현지화하고 싶습니다. 그리고 지속적인 업데이트를 해야 하는데 이 부분에 대한 도움이 필요합니다.
이 필드는 필수 입력란입니다
파일 업로드
이 필드는 필수 입력란입니다
유효한 이메일 주소를 입력해 주세요
유효한 전화번호를 입력해 주세요
이 필드는 필수 입력란입니다
이 필드는 필수 입력란입니다



감사합니다! 요청을 처리 중이며, 최대한 신속히 연락을 드리겠습니다!



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